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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " แต่งเติม " คือ ...

Thai : แต่งเติม (tæ̀ng teim)
Chinese : 填好 (tián hǎo)

English : augment
     Simplified Chinese : 加强; 增加; 扩大
     Traditional Chinese : 加強; 增加; 擴大

Example :: augment

Chinese : 常常由极端贫穷造成的营养不良可以通过在当地多淀粉的膳食中增加富有营养、易于种植的蔬菜予以改善。
English : Malnutrition, so often caused by sheer poverty, can be ameliorated with nutritious easy-to-grow vegetables to augment the starchy local diet.

Chinese : 需要额外的代码来实现增加所需模式检查的验证。
English : Additional code is required to implement required validations that augment the schema checks.

Chinese : 凯西说,除了国际社会采取的措施之外,美国也可能在现有对穆加贝及其主要帮凶的制裁措施的基础上增加新的制裁。
English : Casey said in addition to measures taken by the international community, the United States could augment sanctions it already has in place against Mr. Mugabe and key associates.

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