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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " การค้าผูกขาด " คือ ...

Thai : การค้าผูกขาด (kār kĥā p̄hūkk̄hād)
Chinese : 垄断贸易 (lǒngduàn màoyì)

English : monopoly
     Simplified Chinese : ①专利权 ②垄断,独占

Example :: monopoly

Chinese : 垄断的第三个源泉是对生产流程的某个关键或足够有价值的输入要素的控制。
English : The third source of monopoly is control of an essential, or a sufficiently valuable, input to the production process.

Chinese : 这本身就是政府观点的表达--虽然有评论者表达过对“垄断”问题的关切,但政府还是“指定”了这家公司,而收益也由政府和公司共享。
English : This in itself is a point of contention – it was "chosen", despite concerns voiced by critics over a "monopoly", profits go to the government and the company.

Chinese : 除此之外,和新生工业论,实际的政治压力倾向于产生一种合理的关税结构,这种结构并不以任何一种垄断地位作为优势前提。
English : In addition, as for the infant industry argument, the actual political pressures tend to produce tariff structures that do not in fact take advantage of any monopoly or monopsony positions.

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