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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " นสพ. " คือ ...

Thai : นสพ. (Ns̄ph.)
Chinese : 曼谷邮报。 (màngǔ yóu bào.)

English : newspaper
     Simplified Chinese : [n].报纸
     Traditional Chinese : [n].報紙

Example :: newspaper

Chinese : 我是从报纸上你们的广告中获知此事的。
English : I learned about it from your advertisement in the newspaper.

Chinese : 他无意中看到有人拿了一份报纸而没有付钱。
English : He oversaw someone take a newspaper away without paying.

Chinese : 你的太太需要你全神贯注地听,她希望在她说话的时候你看着她的眼睛,放下手中的报纸,关掉电话,聆听她的心……感受她的伤痛……时刻在那里支持她。
English : She wants you to look at her when she is talking. She wants you to put down the newspaper and turn off the TV and hear her heart … feel her pain … and just be there for her.

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