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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " กรี๊ดสลบ " คือ ...

Thai : กรี๊ดสลบ (krī́d s̄lb)
Chinese : 飑 (biāo)

English : scream
     Simplified Chinese : [vi]., [vt]. 尖叫[n].尖叫,尖锐刺耳的声音
     Traditional Chinese : [vi]., [vt]. 尖叫[n].尖叫,尖銳刺耳的聲音

Example :: scream

Chinese : 他提高了嗓门,几乎在尖叫。
English : His voice rose almost to a scream.

Chinese : 女人们在尖叫;离桥最近的几所房屋起火了。
English : Women were screaming; some of the houses nearest the bridge were on fire

Chinese : 我听到你在尖叫。
English : I heard you scream.

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