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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " สิ่งรอบข้าง " คือ ...

Thai : สิ่งรอบข้าง (s̄ìng rxb k̄ĥāng)
Chinese : 周围 (zhōuwéi)

English : surroundings
     Simplified Chinese : n. 环境
     Traditional Chinese : n. 環境

Example :: surroundings

Chinese : 那与环境不协调。
English : That jars with the surroundings.

Chinese : 这个新住宅区是显得有点扎眼,还是和环境融为一体?
English : Does the new housing stick out like a sore thumb or blend into its surroundings?

Chinese : 这所房子既有乡村的环境又有城市的便利,两全其美。
English : The house combines country surroundings with city convenience, so having the best of both worlds.

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