fn main() {
// create some strings
let string1 = " Welcome to Edpresso ";
let string2 = "Educative is the best! ";
let string3 = " Rust is very interesting!";
// trim the strings
let trim1 = string1.trim();
let trim2 = string2.trim();
let trim3 = string3.trim();
// print the trims
println!("The string before trim is '{}' and length is {}", string1, string1.len());
println!("The string when trimmed is '{}' and length is {}", trim1, trim1.len());
The string before trim is '{}' and length is {}", string2, string2.len());
println!("The string when trimmed is '{}' and length is {}", trim2, trim2.len());
The string before trim is '{}' and length is {}", string3, string3.len());
println!("The string when trimmed is '{}' and length is {}", trim3, trim3.len());