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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ชิลี " คือ ...

Thai : ชิลี (chilī)
Chinese : 智利 (zhìlì)

English : Chile
     Simplified Chinese : 智利
     Traditional Chinese : 智利

Example :: Chile

Chinese : 因此,在该区域中巴西与智利之间就很容易取得沟通交流。
English : Therefore, it is easy to have an exchange between Brazil and Chile in this area.

Chinese : 智利从这一地区的第九跃升到第一位,因为智利的移动网络用户在过去一年增长了 3200% 。
English : In that region, Chile went from ninth to first, overall, as Chilean mobile web use increased by 3200% over the past year.

Chinese : 做出撤离夏威夷的决定纯粹是由于这次智利发生的地震威力实在巨大,达到了里氏8.8级,是过去110年里发生的第五大地震。
English : The decision to evacuate Hawaii was based purely on the tremendous power of the earthquake in Chile, which at magnitude 8.8, was the fifth largest in the past 110 years.

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