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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ปวด " คือ ...

Thai : ปวด (pwd)
Chinese : 疼痛 (téngtòng)

English : ache

Example :: ache

Chinese : 很快,他的手开始疼痛,于是他去了医院。
English : Soon his hand began to ache and he went to hospital.

Chinese : 这些年来,这些制度变得如此严格和复杂以 至于使我们进口商感到相当的头疼。
English : Over the years, they have become so rigid and complicated that they are now quite a head- ache for us importers.

Chinese : 如果你长期地数小时保持这样的坐姿,下背部便会长期疼痛、麻木、僵硬,整个后背都会感觉疲软乏力。
English : When you do that for hours on end, it results in perpetual lower back ache, numbness, stiffness, and a general sense of weakness in the back.

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