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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ยึดติด " คือ ...

Thai : ยึดติด (yụd tid)
Chinese : 粘着 (niánzhe)

English : adhere to

Example :: adhere to

Chinese : 相反,我们坚持着自己的一套原则。 在我们为旅游和酒店客户设计网站的过程中,我们通过尝试和错误的经验总结出这套法则。
English : Instead we adhere to a set of principals we've developed through trial and error, refined by our experience designing and building websites for tourism and hospitality clients.

Chinese : 纪律是一种基于逻辑的决定,这份决定是执行者们坚持的,无论他们喜不喜欢。
English : Discipline is a logic-based decision that performers adhere to, regardless of whether they feel like it or not.

Chinese : 在国际关系中,不能动辄使用武力或以武力相威胁,必须坚持以对话和谈判方式和平解决国际争端。
English : Between countries, the willful use or the threat of force should be prevented. And we should adhere to dialogue and negotiation for peaceful settlement of international disputes.

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