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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " อนาล็อก " คือ ...

Thai : อนาล็อก (xnāl̆xk)
Chinese : 类似物 (lèisì wù)

English : analogue
     Simplified Chinese : 相似物
     Traditional Chinese : 相似物

Example :: analogue

Chinese : “这不仅仅是交换联系方式,”他说,“数字化越是流行,真实世界里的互动反而变得更加有意义——类似的,这个规则还适用于学术会议和社交活动。
English : "It's way more than just contact info," he says. "The more prevalent digital becomes, the more meaningful interacting is in the real world - analogue still rules at conferences and events.

Chinese : 消费者对数字电视的主张跟模拟电视相比是完全革命性的,同样的道理不能用在数字收音机上。
English : The proposition for consumers of digital TV is completely transformative compared to analogue TV. The same cannot be said of digital radio.

Chinese : 实际上,到那时候大多数人都在看电视或盯着模拟时钟,那他们就不会注意到有闰秒了。
English : In practice, though, many people will be watching the television or an analogue clock, and will not notice the leap second at all.

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