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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ระฆัง " คือ ...

Thai : ระฆัง (raḳhạng)
Chinese : 钟 (zhōng)

English : bell
     Simplified Chinese : n. 钟;铃;钟声;钟状物
     Traditional Chinese : n. 鐘;鈴;鐘聲;鐘狀物

Example :: bell

Chinese : 之后在1876年,经过了12天的瓶颈后--当贝尔去华盛顿处理关于他工作上专利的问题时--他突然开始尝试另一种声音的传送器。
English : Then, after a 12-day gap in 1876—when Bell went to Washington to sort out patent questions about his work—he suddenly began trying another kind of voice transmitter.

Chinese : 为了获得更大的效果,信号应该是小的,非连续的,明确的就像巴普洛夫的钟声去召唤狗一样。
English : In order to have the maximum effect, the cues should be small, discrete, specific—like the bell Pavlov rang for his dogs.

Chinese : 比如说如果你说你喜欢玉米煎饼,一条“塔克钟”的横幅广告就会出现在你的网页的顶端。
English : If you say you love burritos, for example, a banner ad for Taco Bell might appear at the top of your page.

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