Chinese : 每天我们都担心下一个食品安全定时炸弹会爆破,我们只是不知道会爆炸在哪里。 English : Every day we worry about the next food time bomb exploding, we just do not know where the site of the blast will be.
Chinese : 我修了“爆炸后”这门课,班上有大约20名学生,其中大部分人是来自其他国家的警官。 English : I took “Post Blast” which had about 20 students in the class; most of the class were police officers from other countries.
Chinese : 在西弗吉尼亚州煤矿爆炸和英国石油公司在墨西哥湾的钻井平台漏油事故的听证会和联邦调查中,这就是国会议员们正在努力解决的问题。 English : That's the problem lawmakers are wrestling with amid hearings and federal investigations of the Upper Big Branch mine blast in West Virginia and the BP oil rig collapse in the Gulf of Mexico.