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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " รองเท้าบูท " คือ ...

Thai : รองเท้าบูท (rxngthêā būth)
Chinese : 靴子 (xuēzi)

English : boots
     Simplified Chinese : n. 擦靴徒弟[兼做杂工]
     Traditional Chinese : n. 擦靴徒弟[兼做雜工]

Example :: boots

Chinese : 所有这些因素解释了为什么金融业过度膨胀——脚比靴子大,即使我们不可能给出一个定义过度扩张范围的数据。
English : All this helps explain why finance grew too big for its boots, even if it is impossible to put a figure on the scale of its overexpansion.

Chinese : 撤离的过程中,他们不断遇到穿戴着笨重的防火靴和设备的消防员和救援人员喘着粗气沿着楼梯向上。
English : As they descended, they were passed by fire fighters and rescue workers, panting, pushing their way up the stairs in their heavy boots and gear.

Chinese : 正因为如此,当一个身穿羽绒服和雪地靴的大个子手上端着一杯外卖咖啡走进来,坐到她身边的空座位上后,她感到松了一口气。
English : She was relieved, therefore, when a big guy in a down jacket and snowmobile boots showed up and took the empty seat next to her. He had a cup of takeout coffee.

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