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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " อาณาเขต " คือ ...

Thai : อาณาเขต (xāṇāk̄het)
Chinese : 领土 (lǐngtǔ)

English : border
     Simplified Chinese : 边缘,边界
     Traditional Chinese : 邊緣,邊界

Example :: border

Chinese : 现在他们已经越过阿富汗边界进入巴基斯坦,但他们在该地区保持了与其他极端主义组织建立的网络。
English : They have now moved over the border of Afghanistan and they are in Pakistan now, but they continue to have networks with other extremist organizations in that region.

Chinese : 他说,另外许多人搬到吉塞尼的亲戚家里,或者越过边境进入乌干达。
English : Many others, he says, have moved in with relatives in Gisenyi or crossed the border to Uganda.

Chinese : 火箭弹是通过和埃及边界的地下隧道偷运进来的。
English : The rockets were smuggled in through tunnels under the border with Egypt.

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