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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ความเบื่อ " คือ ...

Thai : ความเบื่อ (khwām beụ̄̀x)
Chinese : 无聊 (wúliáo)

English : boredom
     Simplified Chinese : n. 厌烦, 无趣
     Traditional Chinese : n. 厭煩, 無趣

Example :: boredom

Chinese : 当今家庭生活中的那种无聊和虚伪应该结束了。
English : There must be an end to the boredom and deceit of present-day family life.

Chinese : 人们闷得发狂。
English : People went bananas with boredom

Chinese : 读书帮他排遣了生病时的无聊。
English : Reading helped to relieve the boredom while he was ill.

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