Thai : แหง่ (h̄æng̀) Chinese : 孩子 (háizi)
English : calf Simplified Chinese : n. 腓肠(俗名小腿肚) Traditional Chinese : n. 腓腸(俗名小腿肚)
Example :: calf
Chinese : 他那场只有四分钟的上场比赛后,经过扫描再次小腿肌肉韧带拉伤。 English : He lasted only four minutes of the game and scans revealed he had a torn hamstring and calf.
Chinese : 红魔主帅弗格森透露曼联队长维迪奇可能因为他的小腿伤势将可能缺席四五场比赛。 English : Manchester United captain Nemanja Vidic will be out for "four to five" weeks with his calf injury, manager Sir Alex Ferguson has revealed.
Chinese : 母牛作为一个“母亲”,不能忍受正被追捕的小牛的痛苦,于是产生生气的情绪。 English : Unable to tolerate the sufferings of the calf, which is chasing by the dog, the cow as a "mother" become in an angry mood.