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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " อนาทร " คือ ...

Thai : อนาทร (xnāthr)
Chinese : 关注 (guānzhù)

English : care
     Simplified Chinese : 小心、注意,照顾,保护
     Traditional Chinese : 小心、注意,照顧,保護

Example :: care

Chinese : 约翰逊似乎无忧无虑。
English : Johnson seemed without a care in the world.

Chinese : 只要一有人听她诉说,那个女人就会告诉人家她正在受苦受难。
English : The woman tells anyone who cares to listen that she's going through hell

Chinese : 他们雇了个护士来照顾她。
English : They hired a nurse to care for her.

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