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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " การขบฉัน " คือ ...

Thai : การขบฉัน (kār k̄hbc̄hạn)
Chinese : 咀嚼 (jǔjué)

English : chew
     Simplified Chinese : vt. vi. n. (咀)嚼
     Traditional Chinese : vt. vi. n. (咀)嚼

Example :: chew

Chinese : 保留他们喜爱事物(音乐、书本、电影、咀嚼玩具等等)的清单,让你自己能够回忆起曾经对他们的爱。
English : Keep a list of the things they loved (music, books, movies, chew toys, etc.) and allow yourself to remember the love you had for them.

Chinese : 每一次当你要咬碎食物,在你吞咽之前请至少咀嚼30秒。
English : Each time you take a bite of food, chew at least 30 times before swallowing.

Chinese : 如果你碰巧看到石兰灌木,咀嚼其水果外边的部分,吐出里面坚硬的种子。
English : If you happen upon a manzanita bush, chew the outer part of the fruit and spit out the hard seeds.

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