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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " สมุหบัญชี " คือ ...

Thai : สมุหบัญชี (s̄muh̄ bạỵchī)
Chinese : 主计官 (zhǔ jì guān)

English : chief accountant
     Simplified Chinese : 总会计,会计主任
     Traditional Chinese : 總會計,會計主任

Example :: chief accountant

Chinese : 一个制造业集团的总会计师
English : The chief accountant of a manufacturing group

Chinese : 对我们这家财务陷入麻烦的公司来说,这起牵涉到我们的首席会计师的贪污丑闻是致命一击,没过几个月,公司就倒闭了。
English : EXAMPLE: The embezzling scandal involving our chief accountant was the kiss of death for our financially troubled company, and it closed within a few months.

Chinese : 我们公司去年刚创办,公司总裁身兼数职,同时担任会计主管及销售和营销部门负责人。
English : EXAMPLE: Since our company just started last year, our president wears several hats and also has responsibilities as chief accountant and as the director of our sales and marketing department.

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