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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ความเยือกเย็น " คือ ...

Thai : ความเยือกเย็น (khwām yeụ̄xkyĕn)
Chinese : 寒冷 (hánlěng)

English : chill
     Simplified Chinese : [动] 冷却冰冻,预冷
     Traditional Chinese : [動] 冷卻冰凍,預冷

Example :: chill

Chinese : 如果你是错误的,有正确答案的雪人将会使你的心脏变冷。
English : If you are wrong,the snowman with the correct answer will chill your heart.

Chinese : 在英国北部,女孩们外出去酒吧时,常常冒着彻骨的严寒,身穿迷你短裙;然后喝一些烈酒,这样她们就不会感到寒冷了。
English : In Northern England, girls wear miniskirts when they go out to bars in the biting cold and drink strong alcohol so they don't feel the chill.

Chinese : 对于年轻人来说,街头演变为一场战争,为了生存,他们必须要找到一些废弃的房子,这样晚上睡觉的时候才可以驱走他们骨子里散发出的寒冷。
English : For young people the streets become a battle to survive with some abandoned building to sleep in at night to keep the chill out of your bones.

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