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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ลูกคู่ " คือ ...

Thai : ลูกคู่ (lūkkhū̀)
Chinese : 避免 (bìmiǎn)

English : chorus
     Simplified Chinese : 合鸣
     Traditional Chinese : 合鳴

Example :: chorus

Chinese : 在他音乐生涯的后期,他仍在探索和创作教会合唱作品,交响乐及即兴爵士乐,并产生了深远影响。
English : This late career development proved a deep and abiding interest, as he has continued to explore ecclesiastical compositions for chorus, orchestra and improvising jazz band.

Chinese : 突然齐声发出喊叫。
English : A chorus of shouts broke out.

Chinese : 在这种演唱方式中,主唱会先唱一句歌词,之后就等待着其他乐手,合唱团,抑或是观众的回应。
English : In call-and-response, the lead vocalist sings a line, and waits for the other musicians, chorus, and/or audience to sing back.

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