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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ผา " คือ ...

Thai : ผา (p̄hā)
Chinese : 悬崖 (xuányá)

English : cliff
     Simplified Chinese : 悬崖
     Traditional Chinese : 懸崖

Example :: cliff

Chinese : 他们爱它,因为要到达那里你只能走过小溪上的桥;而周围的树木和背后森森的陡峭悬崖让它看起来就像森林空地上的屋子一样隔绝世事。
English : They loved it because you could only get to it by the bridge across the creek; the surrounding trees and the steep bushy cliff behind shut it in like a house in a forest clearing.

Chinese : 云杉屋是最容易参观的崖居,通往云杉屋的道路蜿蜒曲折而下到峡谷,然后向上到达这个崖居。
English : Spruce Tree House is the easiest cliff dwelling to visit. The path curves down into the valley and then up to the ruin.

Chinese : 最重要的是我有了象这样的贴着悬崖的连续的线。
English : The most important thing is that I have an unbroken line around the cliff like this.

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