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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " นาวาโท " คือ ...

Thai : นาวาโท (nāwā tho)
Chinese : 海军军官 (hǎijūn jūnguān)

English : commander
     Simplified Chinese : 机长
     Traditional Chinese : 機長

Example :: commander

Chinese : 他个人已收到莱曼司令要求凿沉轮船的命令。
English : He personally had received orders from Commander Lehmann to scuttle the ship.

Chinese : 胜败乃兵家常事。
English : For a military commander, winning or losing a battle is a common occurrence.

Chinese : 指挥官和一些士兵已经获释。
English : The commander and some of the men had been released.

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