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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " หอยสังข์ " คือ ...

Thai : หอยสังข์ (h̄xy s̄ạngk̄h̒)
Chinese : 海螺 (hǎiluó)

English : conch
     Simplified Chinese : 贝壳
     Traditional Chinese : 貝殼

Example :: conch

Chinese : 这些贝壳的中心都有一个小孔,上面有明显的佩戴和穿线磨损的痕迹。
English : These have an alveolus in the center of conch, have above adorn apparently and wear line tatty trace.

Chinese : 国内最大的水泥生产商安徽海螺水泥的股价周二上涨了5.5%,以64.19元收盘。
English : Shares in Anhui Conch Cement, one of the country's largest cement producers, rose 5.5% in Shanghai trading to close at 64.19 yuan Tuesday.

Chinese : 当她带着海螺回来的时候,它们等待并看着。
English : When she returned with the conch, they were waiting and watching.

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