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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " เครื่องควบแน่น " คือ ...

Thai : เครื่องควบแน่น (kherụ̄̀xngkhwbnæ̀n)
Chinese : 聚光器 (jù guāng qì)

English : condenser
     Simplified Chinese : 聚光器
     Traditional Chinese : 聚光器

Example :: condenser

Chinese : 除霜时机器处于蒸发器冷,冷凝器热的状态,室内室外风扇停止工作,压缩机运行。
English : Except when frost of the machine at evaporator cold, condenser hot state, indoor and outdoor fan to stop working, compressor operation.

Chinese : 如果你家的冰箱是新买不久的,那么就每年定时清理冷凝盘管里的灰尘和污垢。
English : If you have a newer refrigerator clean the condenser coils yearly to reduce dust and dirt.

Chinese : 工人们把从1号涡轮机组中抽出的水注入冷凝机,并准备对2号涡轮机组进行同样作业。
English : Workers were pumping water from the No. 1 unit turbine to its main condenser and were making preparations to do the same at the No. 2 unit, the I. A. E.

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