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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " กากหมู " คือ ...

Thai : กากหมู (kākh̄mū)
Chinese : 噼里啪啦 (pīlipālā)

English : crackling
     Simplified Chinese : n. 爆裂声;脆皮;猪油渣
     Traditional Chinese : n. 爆裂聲;脆皮;豬油渣

Example :: crackling

Chinese : 爆裂:发出劈啪声或爆裂声;爆裂。收藏。
English : Crepitate: To make a crackling or popping sound; crackle.

Chinese : 劈啪作响的热量也叫做“碎片整理”。
English : The crackling heat is also known as "defragmentation".

Chinese : 天空中的静电噼啪作响。
English : The crackling rise of static electricity in the air.

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