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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " โอ้เอ้ " คือ ...

Thai : โอ้เอ้ (xôxê)
Chinese : 踌躇 (chóuchú)

English : dawdle
     Simplified Chinese : v. 游手好闲;混日子
     Traditional Chinese : v. 遊手好閒;混日子

Example :: dawdle

Chinese : 此外,我还学习了域名、博客、主机方面的知识,因为我知道如果有必要的话我会二次搬家,但这次我会充满信心,不再像这次一样虚度光阴、庸人自扰。
English : I have also increased my knowledge on domains, Wordpress and hosting. I know that if it were necessary I would move again, with confidence, and not dawdle and create uncertainty as I did this time.

Chinese : 但你最好别浪费时间,还有很多事要做呢。
English : But you'd best not dawdle , there's still much to do.

Chinese : 老板告知工人不要磨洋工。
English : The boss told the workers not to dawdle over their work.

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