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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " หามรุ่งหามค่ำ " คือ ...

Thai : หามรุ่งหามค่ำ (h̄āmrùngh̄āmkh̀ả)
Chinese : 夜以继日 (yèyǐjìrì)

English : day and night
     Simplified Chinese : 日日夜夜地
     Traditional Chinese : 日日夜夜地

Example :: day and night

Chinese : 地球昼夜不停地运转。
English : The earth moves day and night.

Chinese : 节日里警察昼夜沿街巡逻。
English : Day and night the policemen pace the streets in the holidays.

Chinese : 中国科学家苏颂800多年前发明的天文钟是世界上最早的天文钟。它能自动报告昼夜时刻和日出、日落等情况。
English : The astronomical clock, invented by the Chinese scientist Su Song over 800 years ago, was the first of its kind in the world. It gave the correct time of the day and night, as well as the sunrise and the sunset.

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