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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ใบ้ " คือ ...

Thai : ใบ้ (bı̂)
Chinese : 哑 (yǎ)

English : deaf
     Simplified Chinese : 聋的
     Traditional Chinese : 聾的

Example :: deaf

Chinese : 研究人员说,在幼年和老年中间的那大段职场生涯中,多达96%的人会大声地自言自语,而且人们发现,聋人在回答测试问题时也会给自己做手势。
English : In between, in your cubicle-bound life, researchers say as many as 96% of people talk to themselves aloud, and deaf people have been observed signing to themselves while answering test questions.

Chinese : 她说:“不对,世界上有许多人是聋子。
English : She said, "No. Many people are deaf.

Chinese : 您所看到的这个领子就是通过利用振动来触发大脑中可以激活听觉的区域,从而将音乐带给佩戴它的聋人。
English : This collar is meant to give music to the deaf by using those vibrations to trigger the right area of the brain, allowing them to listen.

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