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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " วิกล " คือ ...

Thai : วิกล (wikl)
Chinese : 受损 (shòu sǔn)

English : deformed
     Simplified Chinese : 变形的,畸形的
     Traditional Chinese : 變形的,畸形的

Example :: deformed

Chinese : 他受畸形足弓之苦。
English : He is cursed with deformed arches.

Chinese : 如果我有一张残缺变形的脸,你们不会取笑我的脸。
English : If I had a deformed face, you would not make fun of my face.

Chinese : 本文基于变形前和变形后的散斑图,提出一种获得电子散斑干涉条纹图的新颖方法。
English : We propose a novel method to obtain speckle fringe patterns of ESPI from undeformed and deformed speckle patterns.

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