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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " อสุรกาย " คือ ...

Thai : อสุรกาย (xs̄urkāy)
Chinese : 幽灵 (yōulíng)

English : demon
     Simplified Chinese : , goblin 妖怪
     Traditional Chinese : , goblin 妖怪

Example :: demon

Chinese : 如果你做得好,你可以抬起你的头;但是相反,罪就是一个潜伏在门口的魔鬼:他极力蛊惑你,而你亦可以成为他的主人。
English : If you do well, you can hold up your head; but if not, sin is a demon lurking at the door: his urge is toward you, yet you can be his master.

Chinese : 关于这个有关邪恶的恶魔的怀疑,笛卡尔自己的解决办法是首先主张我们不能真正怀疑自己的存在。
English : Descartes' own way out of his evil demon skepticism was to first argue that one cannot genuinely doubt the existence of oneself.

Chinese : 婴儿潮一代在青年时代就吸食大麻,而不像上一代人那样对恶魔杂草充满恐惧。
English : Baby boomers who smoked pot in their youth do not share previous generations' fear of the demon weed.

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