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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " เสื่อมสภาพ " คือ ...

Thai : เสื่อมสภาพ (s̄eụ̄̀xm s̄p̣hāph)
Chinese : 恶化 (èhuà)

English : deteriorate
     Simplified Chinese : 变质
     Traditional Chinese : 變質

Example :: deteriorate

Chinese : 你将会变得疲劳,你的技术将会退步,而你同样也把它称为一天(游泳练习)。
English : You will get tired, your technique will deteriorate, and you might as well call it a day.

Chinese : 随着新世纪的到来,有些大城市里的生活条件将进一步恶化。
English : With the advent of the new century, the living conditions in some major cities will deteriorate further.

Chinese : 人们担心形势可能恶化而演变成一场全面战争。
English : There are fears that the situation might deteriorate into full-scale war

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