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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ไดอารี่ " คือ ...

Thai : ไดอารี่ (Dịxārī̀)
Chinese : 日记 (Rìjì)

English : diary
     Simplified Chinese : 日记,日志
     Traditional Chinese : 日記,日志

Example :: diary

Chinese : 每次丈夫写日记时,她都会不满地撇撇那张刻薄的小嘴。
English : She had a small, mean mouth that curled disapprovingly each time her husband wrote something in his diary.

Chinese : 这本日记是他晚年生活的实录。
English : This diary is a faithful record of his later years.

Chinese : 自从看到日记摘录,我就一直非常沮丧。
English : Ever since I saw the diary excerpts I've been cast down.

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