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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ย่อย " คือ ...

Thai : ย่อย (ỳxy)
Chinese : 小 (xiǎo)

English : digest
     Simplified Chinese : ①消化,吸收 ②摘要,文摘

Example :: digest

Chinese : 1999年,他的儿子小拉尔夫在接受采访《高尔夫文摘》采访时说:“我母亲警告过他不要这么做。”
English : "My mother warned him against doing it, " said his son Ralph junior in an interview with Golf Digest in 1999.

Chinese : 他指着一片云,说出这样的话:“当那片云在我们身边降落,我们就会被吞没,装进它的肚子里,然后被慢慢消化掉。
English : He pointed to a cloud and said something like: "When that touches down, we will become engulfed in its insides. It will digest us.

Chinese : 你需要它帮助消化食物和保持新陈代谢的顺畅。
English : You need it to help digest food and keep your metabolism clicking along.

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