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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ไภริน " คือ ...

Thai : ไภริน (p̣hịrin)
Chinese : 铜鼓 (tónggǔ)

English : drum
     Simplified Chinese : 鼓,圆筒,贮槽,卷(盘)
     Traditional Chinese : 鼓,圓筒,貯槽,卷(盤)

Example :: drum

Chinese : 一个有鼓和横笛的乐队,演奏了“星条旗”。
English : A band, with fife and drum, played “The Star Spangled Banner.

Chinese : 在最近一天的一个早上,有一个组被分配站在走道中用汉语唱《雅克兄弟》;在教室中,另外一组用一个巨大的鼓模仿下雨的声音(外面也确实正在下雨)。
English : On a recent morning, one group was stationed in the hallway singing “Frère Jacques” in Mandarin; in a classroom, another group was imitating the sound of rain on a giant drum (it was pouring outside).

Chinese : 由日本电气公司(NEC)研制的,这个鼓型的机器是日本最早的晶体管计算机之一。
English : Manufactured by the Nippon Electric Company (NEC), the drum-based machine was one of the earliest transistorized Japanese computers.

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