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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " บรรเทาเบาบาง " คือ ...

Thai : บรรเทาเบาบาง (brrtheā beābāng)
Chinese : 救济之光 (jiùjì zhī guāng)

English : ease
     Simplified Chinese : [n]. 舒适,悠闲;容易 [vt]. 减轻;使舒适,使安心;放松 [vi]. 缓和,减轻;放松(off,up)
     Traditional Chinese : [n]. 舒適,悠閒;容易 [vt]. 減輕;使舒適,使安心;放鬆 [vi]. 緩和,減輕;放鬆(off,up)

Example :: ease

Chinese : 两个男人都不是很热情,没有费什么心让凯瑟琳和她的同伴们消除拘束。
English : Both men were unwelcoming, making little attempt to put Kathryn or her companions at their ease.

Chinese : 呼气,膝部放松向胸部靠拢。
English : Breathe out and ease your knees in toward your chest.

Chinese : 埃米瞧了瞧,看手边有没有什么东西能给他减缓疼痛。
English : Amy looked to see if there was anything within reach that she could give him to ease the pain.

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