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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ขี้เรื้อนกวาง " คือ ...

Thai : ขี้เรื้อนกวาง (k̄hī̂reụ̄̂xnkwāng)
Chinese : 湿疹 (shīzhěn)

English : eczema
     Simplified Chinese : 湿疹
     Traditional Chinese : 濕疹

Example :: eczema

Chinese : 急性湿疹的损害为多形性,自觉灼热和搔痒。
English : The symptom of the acute eczema is hot feeling and itching.

Chinese : 全身淋巴结病也可发生在有慢性皮肤性紊乱像湿疹病人中。
English : Generalized lymphadenopathy also can occur in patients with such chronic dermatologic disorders as eczema.

Chinese : 关于皮炎和湿疹两词的应用并无固定(严格)的规则。
English : There is no hard and fast rule about the use of the terms dermatitis and eczema.

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