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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " เสริมแต่ง " คือ ...

Thai : เสริมแต่ง (s̄erim tæ̀ng)
Chinese : 打扮 (dǎbàn)

English : elaborate
     Simplified Chinese : [adj]. 精心制作的,详尽阐述的;复杂的 [vt]. 精心制作;从简单成分合成 [vi].作详细说明(on,upon)
     Traditional Chinese : [adj]. 精心制作的,詳盡闡述的;復雜的 [vt]. 精心制作;從簡單成分合成 [vi].作詳細說明(on,upon)

Example :: elaborate

Chinese : 可口可乐并购汇源的问题不同于所谓的贸易和投资保护主义,中国商务部有关官员已就此作出了非常详尽的解释。
English : The specific acquisition case you mentioned is different from the so-called trade and investment protectionism. Officials with the Ministry of Commerce have made elaborate explanation on this.

Chinese : 修改语言的语法以包括更详尽的类型参数界限。
English : Modify the language syntax to include more elaborate bounds on the type parameters.

Chinese : 40岁的科恩说:“这可能是一场精心编排的骗局,不过也不能排除这的确是一具外星人尸体的可能。”
English : Mr Cohen, 40, said: 'This could be an elaborate hoax, however the possibility that this might be a genuine alien should not be discounted .

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