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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " รับสมัคร " คือ ...

Thai : รับสมัคร (rạb s̄mạkhr)
Chinese : 招 (zhāo)

English : enrol

Example :: enrol

Chinese : 从普通的中等院校毕业的学生获得结业证书并且在通过了教育部授权的资格考试之后可以填报任何的高等院校和专业。
English : Pupils graduating from general secondary schools obtain the Matura and can enrol in any faculty or academy by passing a qualification examination prescribed by the institution.

Chinese : 您可以购买以下畅销图书,或注册课程或得相应的免费礼品包。
English : You may purchase the following bestsellers, or get it as a free gift box when you enrol in a related course.

Chinese : 超过一千名家长排队为子女申请入学(某校)。
English : More than 1000 parents queued to enrol their children in (a school)。

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