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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ความคาดหวัง " คือ ...

Thai : ความคาดหวัง (khwām khād h̄wạng)
Chinese : 预期 (yùqí)

English : expectation
     Simplified Chinese : 预期,希望
     Traditional Chinese : 預期,希望

Example :: expectation

Chinese : 如果众人的期待是索马里会堕入万劫不复的混乱深渊,那现实又是如何呢?
English : If the expectation was that Somalia wouldplunge into an abyss of chaos, what is the reality?

Chinese : 例外在于,如果你专门建立一个帐号,并用你的产品或服务命名,会吸引到一些不同期望的订阅者。
English : The exception is if you’ve set up an account named after your product or service, which sets a different expectation among subscribers.

Chinese : 他们的信仰中,充满了期待和希望。
English : Their faith is suffused with expectation and hope.

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