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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " กว้างๆ " คือ ...

Thai : กว้างๆ (kŵāng«)
Chinese : 广泛 (guǎngfàn)

English : extensively
     Simplified Chinese : [adv].广大地;广阔地;广泛地;广博地;广延地
     Traditional Chinese : [adv].廣大地;廣闊地;廣泛地;廣博地;廣延地

Example :: extensively

Chinese : 荧光和吸收光谱法被广泛应用于表面活性剂的研究中。
English : Fluorescence and absorption spectroscopy are extensively used in the surfactant research.

Chinese : 幸运的是,机场的IATA编码在行业中得到了广泛应用。
English : Luckily, the IATA codes for airports are used extensively in the industry.

Chinese : 她撰写了大量有关经济史和经济思想史的著作和论文。
English : She has written extensively on economic history and the history of economic thought.

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