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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " เขี้ยว " คือ ...

Thai : เขี้ยว (k̄heī̂yw)
Chinese : 犬 (quǎn)

English : fang
     Simplified Chinese : [n].牙根;尖牙,蛇类毒牙
     Traditional Chinese : [n].牙根;尖牙,蛇類毒牙

Example :: fang

Chinese : 但专家方刚说:“这些选美比赛是对传统社会性别体系的反思。
English : “These beauty contests are reflections of the traditional societal gender system,” observed the expert, Fang.

Chinese : 通常一年中这个时候,方应该在田地里满头大汗的。
English : Usually at this time of the year, Fang should be sweating in the fields.

Chinese : “我一星期给他打一个电话,”方咬金说。
English : “I can call him once a week,” says Fang.

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