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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " มอบ " คือ ...

Thai : มอบ (mxb)
Chinese : 放弃 (fàngqì)

English : fasten
     Simplified Chinese : [vt]. 使固定,扎牢,扣住;把(注意力,目光等)集中于(on) [vi].扣紧;抓住(on或upon);集中(on或upon)
     Traditional Chinese : [vt]. 使固定,扎牢,扣住;把(注意力,目光等)集中于(on) [vi].扣緊;抓住(on或upon);集中(on或upon)

Example :: fasten

Chinese : 开车时一定要系好安全带。
English : You must fasten the seat-belt while driving.

Chinese : 所以女士们先生们,系上你的苹果nano腰带吧,音乐会带你来到一片你从未到达过的土地!
English : So fasten your iPod nano belts ladies and gentlemen, the music is about to take you off to the never never land!

Chinese : 当然,这种机敏汽车的壮举仍然只会出现在电视中,并且,会说话的汽车尚未先进到超出指示方向或提醒你系紧安全带的地步。
English : Such feats of automotive agility remain the preserve of the small screen, of course, and talking cars have yet to advance beyond giving directions or reminding you to fasten your seatbelt.

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