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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " แสร้ง " คือ ...

Thai : แสร้ง (s̄ær̂ng)
Chinese : 假设 (jiǎshè)

English : feign
     Simplified Chinese : [vt]. 假装,伪造[vi]. 做假
     Traditional Chinese : [vt]. 假裝,偽造[vi]. 做假

Example :: feign

Chinese : 在他玩游戏是的时候,我就像个忠实的观众,看着他装死,拿到新武器然后不停的挑战难关,然后离满级越来越近。
English : I was a spectator as he progressed, learning to feign death, earning new weapons, and taking on greater challenges as he got closer and closer to the level cap.

Chinese : 工作是我的动力,但不能作为借口,要学会离开办公室停止工作,关掉黑莓,下班后的某个特定的时间不接任何电话。
English : 'Work is my passion' is no excuse, " Tsang-Feign says. "Learn to switch off from work by leaving the office, switch off the BlackBerry, and do not take any calls at a certain time after work."

Chinese : 也许你像雷诺上尉在“卡萨布兰卡”时一样假装义愤填膺:“我很震惊地发现这里居然有赌博的事情!”
English : Or would you feign outrage, like Captain Renault’s in “Casablanca”: “I am shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!”

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