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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ปลายนิ้ว " คือ ...

Thai : ปลายนิ้ว (plāy nîw)
Chinese : 指尖 (zhǐ jiān)

English : fingertip
     Simplified Chinese : [n].指尖
     Traditional Chinese : [n].指尖

Example :: fingertip

Chinese : 对倒楼原因怪得出奇的猜测四处流传,仿佛一个大力士用指尖轻轻推倒了这座楼房,很多窗户依然完好无损。
English : Speculation is rampant over the cause of the extraordinary event, as if a giant nudged the building over with a fingertip, with some windows still intact.

Chinese : 相比而言,在ipad上从一页滑向另一页,仅需要一个指尖,而且在玻璃上只留下很少的油污,而且无论留下什么污迹,后来都很容易清洁干净。
English : In contrast, swiping from page to page on the iPad only requires a fingertip and leaves very little dirt/oil/grease on the glass, and whatever residue it does leave is easy to clean off afterwards.

Chinese : 但是太阳正如我们在地球上所见,好像举起手臂,看一臂之外的指尖那样大小——对于天文学家来说也就是半度宽。
English : But the sun, as seen from Earth, is nearly as large as a little fingertip held at arm's length—a size known to astronomers as half a degree wide.

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