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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " แน่นแฟ้น " คือ ...

Thai : แน่นแฟ้น (næ̀nfæ̂n)
Chinese : 稳定 (wěndìng)

English : firmly
     Simplified Chinese : [adv].坚固地;结实地;稳固地;坚决地
     Traditional Chinese : [adv].堅固地;結實地;穩固地;堅決地

Example :: firmly

Chinese : “在这间房子里不准那样说话。” 艾库尔坚定的说。
English : "We never talk that way in this house, " Aykut said firmly.

Chinese : 他们把国民经济的命脉都牢牢抓到自己手中。
English : They firmly took hold of all the lifelines of their national economy.

Chinese : 我一直都这么坚定地认为如果你做事拖拉,你也许就在做一件人生中错误的事情。
English : I firmly believe if you are procrastinating doing something, you are probably doing the wrong thing with your life.

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