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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " โฟม " คือ ...

Thai : โฟม (fom)
Chinese : 泡沫 (pàomò)

English : foam
     Simplified Chinese : 泡沫
     Traditional Chinese : 泡沫

Example :: foam

Chinese : 撇开美学的差别,唯一的物理差别就是在较便宜的HD555耳机内部多了一块泡沫,阻挡了约50%的外向通风孔。
English : Aside from the aesthetic differences, the only physical difference was an additional piece of foam inside the cheaper HD555 headphones, blocking about 50% of the outside-facing vents.

Chinese : 这座描绘耶稣举起双手面向苍天的雕像已被烧脆,除了烧焦的金属和发黑地泡沫碎屑以外,其他什么也没有留下。
English : The statue, which depicted Jesus raising his hands to heaven, was burned to a crisp, leaving nothing but charred metal and blackened foam detritus.

Chinese : 泡沫盖在她的眼睫毛和眉毛上,加上她那头红发,看上去立刻像精神错乱的伊丽莎白女王。
English : The foam of it covered her lashes and brows and, with her red hair, for a minute she looked like a demented Queen Elizabeth.

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