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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ชั้นแนวหน้า " คือ ...

Thai : ชั้นแนวหน้า (chận næwh̄n̂ā)
Chinese : 主导 (zhǔdǎo)

English : forefront
     Simplified Chinese : [n]. 最前线,最前方
     Traditional Chinese : [n]. 最前線,最前方

Example :: forefront

Chinese : 教育总在不断地发展,我们将始终保持与国际前沿水平同进步。
English : Education is constantly progressing, however, we keep up with forefront of international standard.

Chinese : 公司产品质量达到行业最前列,并在追求完美的过程中不断地得到改进。
English : Product quality to the forefront of industry and in the pursuit of perfection in the process of continuous improvement.

Chinese : 与深水扇有关的储层将处于油气勘探和生产的最前沿。
English : The reservoirs related to submarine fans will be in the forefront of the hydrocarbon exploration and production.

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