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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ความบอบบาง " คือ ...

Thai : ความบอบบาง (khwām bxbbāng)
Chinese : 脆弱性 (cuìruò xìng)

English : fragility
     Simplified Chinese : 脆性,脆弱
     Traditional Chinese : 脆性,脆弱

Example :: fragility

Chinese : 她的大姨在她七岁的时候去世了,这使她感受到了生命的无比脆弱,曾经在末期病人安养所当志愿者的经历使她开始深思“生命”这个话题。
English : Nicole’s great aunt died when she was seven, and this begun her awareness of mortality and the fragility of life. Her volunteer work at hospice helps her further meditate on this topic.

Chinese : 我们需要确保发展的根基牢固,打破脆弱、贫困和暴力的恶性循环。
English : We need to “secure development” with roots deep enough to break the cycle of fragility, poverty and violence.

Chinese : 这些话读起来总是很痛苦,因为它们提醒我们生命的脆弱。
English : These words are always painful to read, because they remind us of life’s fragility.

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