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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " จุกจิก " คือ ...

Thai : จุกจิก (cukcik)
Chinese : 挑剔 (tiāotì)

English : fuss
     Simplified Chinese : [n].忙乱;(神经质的)激动 [vi]. 忙乱;烦恼;抱怨
     Traditional Chinese : [n].忙亂;(神經質的)激動 [vi]. 忙亂;煩惱;抱怨

Example :: fuss

Chinese : 如果她点了一杯黑咖啡不加糖外加一小杯脱脂牛奶的话,那么她也许是一个不喜欢大惊小怪,喜欢循规蹈矩的人,或者她很在乎她的体重。
English : If she orders black coffee with a splash of non-fat milk and no sweeteners, she could be a no-fuss woman who likes routine, or she might be watching her weight.

Chinese : 许多倡议者们自我感觉过于良好,以至于一个新到曼彻斯特市政厅的人会想知道对于全球变暖问题有什么值得如此大惊小怪的。
English : Such was the breezy optimism of many of the advocates that an alien landing in Manchester Town Hall might have wondered what all the fuss over global warming was about.

Chinese : 他写道:"新移民通常不会与自己族裔外的人结婚;他们成年的子女会这样做,但会引起争议;而他们成年的孙儿女们则不会记得当年为何会大惊小怪。"
English : "New immigrants usually do not marry outside their ethnic group; their adult children do, with some controversy, and their adult grandchildren can't remember what the fuss was about," he writes.

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